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Tooth Erosion Prevention and Treatment


Kevin HK Yip
Roger J Smales
John A Kaidonis


This book considers the aetiology, prevention and treatment of tooth erosion. In the preface the authors suggest that, whilst the prevalence of dental caries has reduced in many countries, the importance of erosion has increased, particularly since greater numbers of people are retaining teeth into old age. Research by this reviewer supports such a contention and has also shown that knowledge amongst the dental profession is poor regarding the recognition and management of erosion. With this in mind the publication of a carefully researched, succinctly written and well illustrated book on the topic is both timely and welcome. Five of the 11 chapters are presented as amended articles, the originals of which were published in different dental journals. However, the three editors were authors on four of these papers and the book is constructed so carefully that there is no suspicion of a cut and paste job.

ISBN: 81-8061-751-3

Published Date: 2006

Page Count: 128  , File Size: 4 Mb

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