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Today everyone is smile-conscious and wants to look beautiful. Internet has made everyone realize that missing teeth can have real-life-like appearance in terms of replacement. But we as dentists should place equal importance in terms of balancing the function with esthetics. Implants, being the first choice of replacement of missing teeth, are also prosthetically driven. So any replacement – be it complete dentures, crowns, bridges, implant restorations do have to keep in mind the occlusal scheme and the associated factors to have long term success. Again, it is not just the occlusal contacts that determine the longevity of our replacements, it is the timing of occlusal contacts with the optimum occlusal scheme that will determine how efficient our replacements are. So this lecture will deal with occlusal schemes in various situations, timing of occlusal contacts, different challenges and troubleshooting encountered and simple tips to get the balance between function and esthetics.