Dr. Simone Deliperi
This lecture will provide clinicians with an overview of differing biomimetic protocols and techniques to predictably restore the anterior and posterior dentition using a minimally invasive approach. Increasing interest has been developed on “Life-like” restorations also known as biomimetic restorations. These are either porcelain or resin based restoration that can be performed on the anterior and posterior areas of the mouth. They may adopt both an indirect and a direct technique. The common characteristic is that they are low stressed and highly bonded restorations able to reproduce the functional and optical characteristic of the natural dentition. Anterior and posterior stress-reduced direct composite (SRDC) restorations may be selected for the restoration of structurally compromised teeth if six basic steps are rigorously respected:
- Analysis of the occlusion and opposing dentition;
- Cavity preparation and caries removal endpoints;
- Analysis of residual tooth structure;
- Preparation of the dental substrate to achieve a reliable bond to enamel and dentin;
- Control of polymerization stresses by using appropriate layering and curing techniques;
- Occlusal force equilibration.
With a solid scientific background in mind and a continuous training, clinicians may push the envelope of SRDC restorations. By combining the SRDC protocols on both the anterior and posterior dentition, it is possible to rehabilitate the worn dentition using a biomimetic approach.