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RUBBERDAMology: Tips and Tricks With Isolation

Presented By:

Dr. Maxim Belograd


It is well known that all dental work must be under full control by operator. We always try to do our best during root canal treatment, or placing composite restorations, or luting bonded ceramic constructions. We pay a lot of attention to details and procedures, learn all new aspects of operative dentistry, follow all steps and protocols but… some time do waist our invaluable time due to challenging with moisture – saliva, bleeding, tongue, chicks, lips that are often on our way to reach the goal. And this competition is always more stressful then other most important components. Fortunately we have got great assistant for this “dirty” job that gives us stress-free conditions of working, saves our time and health and gives best ergonomics. It is rubberdam. During our lecture we will open all secrets how to use this most helpful system in operative dentistry controlling our main task – treatment.

Duration: 76 min
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