Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth


  • Herbert T. Shillingburg
  • James C. Kessler


This book will guide the novice through the first few experiences in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth . It should also enable the experienced practitioner to evaluate different solutions to the problem and to feel comfortable in trying techniques or systems not previously used.

Of the 739 illustrations, 227 of them are in color. The over 300 references present a rationale for a systematic approach to restoration of endodontically treated teeth , and to provide the reader with the opportunity to pursue topics of interest in even greater depth.

ISBN: 0-8671 5-108-0

Published Date: 1982

Page Count: 387  , File Size: 115 Mb

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1 thought on “Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth

  1. Hi, I cannot download the book title Restoration of endodontically treated tooth, Herbert T Shillinburgh. TQSM

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