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Oral and Dental Trauma in Children and Adolescents, 1st Edition


Graham Roberts Peter Longhurst


Approximately one in ten children suffer injuries to the mouth and teeth that require dental intervention. Rapid and appropriate treatment can prevent long term damage to the mouth, and may save the teeth. Most children and adolescents who suffer orodental injury will be taken, in the first instance, to a general dental practitioner or will be referred there after initial assessment and treatment in the local Accident & Emergency department. Oral and Dental Trauma in Children provides the undergraduate and dental practitioner alike with the understanding and confidence to care for these young patients. This comprehensive text covers the management and the rationale for the various treatment options for children and young people who have suffered injuries to the oro-facial structures, including common and not-so-common problems. This book is intended for practising and trainee dentists, hospital dentists, paediatric dentists, trainee orthodontists.


Published Date: 1996

Page Count:  100 , File Size 75 Mb

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