Non Ex Factors , 98.5% Nonextraction Therapy Using Coordinated Arch Development

Non Extraction Orthodontics


  • Dr. Raphael L. Greenfield


Dr. Greenfield has combined his clinical expertise obtained from treating more than 10,000 nonextraction cases in 30 years of practice using the Coordinated Arch Development® philosophy & technique, along with his extensive research and exposure to hundreds of Dr. Norman Cetlin’s successfully treated nonextraction cases more than 25 years out of retention.

Dr. Greenfield reveals, with profuse illustrations and diagrams, the principles and methods necessary to properly diagnose and treat the most difficult nonextraction cases with the utmost confidence! If properly timed, the clinician will possess the knowledge to treat greater than 90% of his cases with a proven nonextraction approach.

Achieving long-term stability requires controlled upper and lower first molar movements, simultaneously, in all three planes. Light continuous forces of similar magnitude are utilized to “coordinate” these movements. The final orientation of the molars creates occlusal forces through the long axes with the absence of deflective contacts during function. The molars are placed well within cancellous bone and the “neutral zone” to enhance their compatibility with the periodontium and soft tissue envelope. The resultant position of the anterior segment provides proper incisal guidance and optimizes facial and dental esthetics.

The integration and advantages of the recently introduced “CG” high torque (Cetlin/Greenfield) nonextraction bracket prescription will also be described and illustrated. The reader will possess areference library of nonextraction cases emphasizing the versatility, stability, and optimal dental and facial esthetics of this philosophy.

ISBN: 978-89-5741-172-8

Published Date: 2010

Page Count: 1103 , File Size: 331 Mb

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