Modern Pediatric Dentistry


Vinay Kumar Srivastava


This book presents recent discoveries and advances in the field of modern pediatric dentistry and presents the subject with appropriate explanations and functional examples. The subject material in the book fulfills the needs of every undergraduate and postgraduate student pursuing careers in pediatric dental health. Various topics covered in the book include scope and importance of pediatric dentistry, infection control, dental radiology, nutritional considerations for children and adolescents, development of dentition, and pediatric oral habits. The book also elaborates on topics such as prenatal oral health and oral health in pregnancy, cariology and management, fluorides and dental health, pediatric restorative dentistry, atraumatic restorative technique (ART), and unconventional local anesthesia techniques for child and adolescent.

ISBN: 978-93-5025-189-8

Published Date: 2011

Page Count: 391 , File Size: 10 Mb

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