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International Journal of Dentistry: Digital Dentistry, New Materials and Techniques

Guest Editors:

  • Francesco Mangano
  • Jamil A. Shibli
  • Thomas Fortin

The digital revolution is changing the world, and dentistry is no exception.

The introduction of a whole range of digital devices (intraoral, extraoral, face scanners and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) with low dose radiation) and processing software (computer-assisted-design/computer-assisted-manufacturing (CAD/CAM) prosthetic software, software for planning implant surgery), together with new aesthetic materials and powerful manufacturing and prototyping tools (milling machines and 3D printers), is radically transforming the dental profession.

Classically, case history and physical examination, together with X-ray data from two-dimensional radiology (periapical, panoramic, and cephalometric radiographs), represented the necessary preparatory stages for formulating a treatment plan and for carrying out the therapy. With only two-dimensional X-ray data available, making a correct diagnosis and an appropriate treatment plan could be difficult; therapies essentially depended on the manual skills and experience of the operator.


Published Date: 2016

Page Count: 119 , File Size: 33 Mb

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