Implants in Contemporary Orthodontics

Implants in Contemporary Orthodontics


Devinder Preet Singh


As the glorious first century of organized orthodontics has passed and we have entered the next century, the sheer pace of technological advancement is phenomenal. If the history of all landmarks were to be drawn, the most recent would be the development of the Skeletal Anchorage System (SAS). Skeletal Anchorage System (SAS) involves the use of implants as a source of orthodontic anchorage. The pioneering studies on oral implants were done by Linkow in 1967, who is rightfully called the Father of Oral Implantology. Implants are fast gaining popularity, as their patient compliance expectation use is minimal. Anchorage can be both orthodontic as well as orthopedic.

The orthopedic uses include maxillary expansion as well as maxillary protraction while orthodontic include intrusion, space closure and distalization. Now, with the development of newer implants such as the micro-implants, their use has been revolutionized as these implants are small, easily placed as well as removed, and require a minimal healing period before loading. The future of implants in orthodontics is promising as product developments in terms of minimal patient discomfort and reduced treatment time are continually occurring. The Editor of this book explores the issues as well as other new developments and challenges in contemporary orthodontics.

ISBN: 978-1-63484-302-7

Published Date: 2016

Page Count: 142  , File Size: 4 Mb

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