Immediate Loading of Dental Implants: Theory and Clinical Practice

Immediate Loading of Dental Implants: Theory and Clinical Practice


  • Mithridade Davarpanah
  • Serge  Szmukler-Moncler


This clinical manual details the surgical and prosthetic protocols for clinicians who wish to utilize immediate implant loading in qualified patients. It details the fundamental principles, from patient selection to surgical procedures to the final adjustment of the definitive restoration. In addition, the chapters describe solutions to various challenges, such as when to use screw-retained or cement-retained provisional prostheses, how to prepare the prosthesis chairside, and when to have the prosthesis prepared in the laboratory. Including ample clinical photographs and decision-making flow charts, this comprehensive volume offers readers concrete guidelines for a proven technique that simplifies implant procedures and provides clear benefits to patients.

ISBN: 978-2-91255-050-7

Published Date: 2009

Page Count: 357  , File Size: 279 Mb

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