Fluoride and Fluorosis (A Research Review)


Ashish Sharma


This hand book of Fluorosis deals with detailed aspect of Fluorides and harmful effects caused by it in form of Dental and Skeletal Fluorosis which has been the most neglected public health problem. In this short book the reader can understand both regarding fluorosis as well as steps of research in a simplified manner. This book is also very handy and useful for the common man of the community as well as taught individuals to understand and learn regarding brown stains/white opaque areas on tooth surface as fluorosis has been described in a very simple manner with photographs especially in Annexures section. The common person can read it and can himself take necessitate measures to overcome Fluorosis using proper diet, health education and purified drinking water. The questionnaire has also been attached in the Annexures section to carry out researches on Fluorosis which is of very useful for research oriented personnel. The research has been presented in a very simple manner using tables and various figures to understand this problem. Fluoride has beneficial effects in reducing dental caries but when consumed more than optimum level leads to condition called as Fluorosis as mentioned in Chapter 1. Fluorosis is a significant public health problem affecting millions of people throughout the country. It has a great adverse effect on the economy of the family, community and country as a whole as it produces partial to total disability. This book provides deep insight into the extensive field research on Fluorosis and effects of the Fluorosis mitigation efforts in the community especially in Mehsana and Patan districts of North Gujarat.

ISBN: 978-93-5090-855-6

Published Date: 2014

Page Count: 111  , File Size: 10 Mb

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