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Esthetic Periodontal Surgery: Making Recession Defects Disappear by Grafting

Presented By:

Edward P. Allen
David Garber
Maurice Salama


A three-part seminar series presented by three experts in esthetic periodontal surgery. First, David Garber, DMD, and Maurice Salama, DMD, clinicians/educators both trained in multiple dental disciplines, introduce current trends in esthetic soft tissue grafting, using both autogenous grafts and allografts. Later, Master Clinician and educator Edward P. Allen, DDS, PhD, will narrate the latest allograft technique (as discussed earlier) for treating multiple adjacent recession defects during a video of the actual surgery. Each of the steps are fully illustrated, including root preparation, instrumentation (including papillae preservation by surgical tunneling), and flap management.

Duration: 59 min
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