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Enhancing Esthetics with a Fixed Prosthesis

Utilizing an Innovative Pontic Design and Periodontal Plastic Surgery
Presented By:

Dr. Robert Korman


This video addresses how to reestablish or maintain papilla height and the facial gingival tissue between a single or multiple missing teeth adjacent to a natural tooth or an implant by using an innovative pontic design termed the E-pontic. The anatomical shape of the E-pontic will predictably support and maintain the facial gingival margin and interdental papillae over an acceptable alveolar ridge. The E-pontic design fulfills the prerequisites for maintaining a healthy periodontium and its ability to achieve a predictable long-term esthetic and functional result. The emergence profile of this pontic design that is similar to that of a natural tooth ensures that no palatal gap forms which could potentially cause phonetic problems. Trapping of food particles does not occur because of its unique adaptive design to the pontic recipient site. Historically, the ovate pontic design has been the gold standard in our dental profession for 33 years. The author’s observation has been that the E-pontic has a more predictable control of papilla shape and height and facial gingival position in comparison with the ovate, modified ovate, and other pontic designs. It predictably develops, supports, and maintains the gingival architecture for the long term. The E-pontic method, when properly performed, will fulfill these expectations in a predictable manner.

Duration: 23 min

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