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Arnaldo Castellucci


Volume 1

Chapter 1 A Brief History of Endodontics by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 2 Embriology by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 3 Definition, Scope and Indications For Endodontic Therapy by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 4 Diagnosis in Endodontics by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 5 Endodontic Radiography by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 6 Digital Radiography Systems (DRS) by Mario Lendini

Chapter 7 Pulpal Pathology by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 8 Periapical Disease by Arnaldo Castellucci and Uziel Blumenkranz

Chapter 9 The Use of Anesthesia in Endodontics by Arnaldo Castellucci and Kirk A. Coury

Chapter 10 Tooth isolation: The Rubber Dam by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 11 Access Cavity and Endodontic Anatomy by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 12 Pretreatment: Preparation Techniques For Endodontic Therapy by Stefano Patroni and Paolo Ferrari

Volume 2

Chapter 13 Endodontic Instruments by Elio Berutti and Giuseppe Cantatore

Chapter 14 Cleaning and Shaping the Root Canal System by Arnaldo Castellucci and Elio Berutti

Chapter 15 Schilder’s Technique for Shaping the Root Canal System by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 16 A contemporary approach to cleaning and shaping the root canal system emphasizing “early coronal enlargement” by Michael Scianamblo

Chapter 17 Curved Canals by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 18 Rotary Instruments in Nickel-Titanium by Elio Berutti and Giuseppe Cantatore

Chapter 19 The ProTaper Technique by Clifford Ruddle

Chapter 20 The Predefined Endodontic Preparation. Concepts, Instruments, and Techniques for the Greater Taper System by Stephen L. Buchanan

Chapter 21 The K3 Rotary Nickel Titanium Instruments System by Richard E. Mounce

Chapter 22 The Quantec Rotary NiTi Instrumentation System by John McSpadden, Gary Glassman and Kenneth S. Serota

Chapter 23 Obturation of the Root Canal System: Biological Principles, Materials and Techniques by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 24 The Schilder Technique of Vertical Compaction of Warm Gutta-Percha by Arnaldo Castellucci

Chapter 25 The Continuous Wave of Condensation by Stephen L. Buchanan

Chapter 26 The Thermafil System by Giuseppe Cantatore and W. Ben Johnson

Chapter 27 The Microseal Technique by Vito Antonio Malagnino and Paola Passariello

ISBN: 88-89411-00-7

Published Date: 2004

Page Count: 753  , File Size: 60 Mb

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