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Digital Implant Therapy Utilizing Current Technology

Digital Implant Therapy Utilizing Current Technology

Surgical innovations and advances in dental implant therapy, as well as the use of digital technology, have allowed for predictability and precision in treatment planning. In this one-hour webinar, Dr. Bobby Birdi will discuss how implant and abutment selection, along with computer-guided implant therapy, can provide more accurate, restoratively driven, outcomes for patients.


  • Learn how the use of software allows for optimal treatment planning and implant placement with surgical guide templates.
  • Learn how correctly choosing the implant width and connection allows for more ideal profile emergence.
  • Learn how the On1™ concept permits tissue adherence, as well as restorative flexibility.
  • Learn about immediate loading with CAD/CAM final restorations.

Presented By:

  • Dr. Bobby Birdi

Duration: 56 min

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