Digital Driven Implant Planning: An Innovative Ecosystem from Diagnosis to Delivery

Digital Driven Implant Planning: An Innovative Ecosystem from Diagnosis to Delivery

From treatment planning to design of definitive restorations, technology is changing the processes used to offer therapy to patients allowing clinicians to use these newer technologies to make treatment protocols more efficient and less time consuming, especially for varied implant treatment modalities. With easy entry into the digital workflow, it is now possible to deliver predictable outcomes, shorten treatment time, gain higher case acceptance, and immediate patient satisfaction. Technology enhances all phases of treatment by creating an ecosystem designed for ease of use, and together these suites of state of the art concepts allow for the most innovative way to deliver restorative excellence to our patients.


  • Gain insight into digital diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Understand how technology creates efficiencies in the modern dental implant practice
  • Visualize a complete workflow which allows clinicians to deliver optimal outcomes

Presented By:

  • Dr. Sundeep Rawal

Duration: 44 min

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