Contemporary Periodontal Surgery: An Illustrated Guide to the Art Behind the Science


Geoffrey Bateman; Shuva Saha; Iain Chapple


This book aims to provide adn evidence-based and highly illustrative approach to a comprehensive repertoire of surgical procedures, including: basic principles, resective surgery, regenerative techniques and periodontal/peri-implant plastic surgery. It emphasises the importance of case selection and planning to successful outcomes and extols the benefits of microsurgical instrumentation. The distinction netween periodontal and other forms of oral surgery is made, principally that in periodontal surgery, the contour and quality of the tissues post-operatively is vital to longer-term success and therefore careful soft tissue management is pivotal.

ISBN: 1-85097-302-4

Published Date: 2007

Page Count: 294 , File Size: 10 Mb

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