Clinical Success in Bone Surgery With Ultrasonic Devices


  • Marie Grace Poblete-Michel
  • Jean-François Michel


Piezoelectric surgery is an innovative approach to hard tissue surgery that meets the essential biologic criteria. The long-term stability of the periodontium and alveolar bone is facilitated by ultrasonic instrumentation that offers atraumatic surgical procedures; limited risk to surrounding tissue; and improved visibility, hemostasis, and postoperative conditions.

This book presents the clinical applications of ultrasonic devices in bone surgery, including its indications, advantages, and limitations. New surgical protocols and numerous illustrated clinical cases help guide developing surgeons in the nuances of ultrasonic-based bone surgery for optimal clinical results.


• Ultrasound
• Indications and Contraindications for Bone Surgery in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
• Ultrasonic-Assisted Bone Surgery
• Preoperative Evaluation and Premedication
• Intraoral and Extraoral Donor Sites in Periodontal and Implant Surgery
• Techniques

ISBN: 978-2-912550-64-4
Published Date: 2009
Page Count:  150 , File Size: 6 Mb

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2 thoughts on “Clinical Success in Bone Surgery With Ultrasonic Devices

  1. “Pursuant to pCloud’s Terms of Service, access to this file has been disabled.” Admin check it, plase, thank you

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