Clinical Manual for Public Health Dentistry and Practical Record Book

  • DP Narayan 

This book “Clinical Manual for Public Health Dentistry and Practical Record Book” discusses about the public health dentistry. The main aim of this book is to describe in detail the prevention and control oral of diseases at individual, family and community levels. Prevention is the backbone of control of any disease. Oral health goals through primary prevention such as use of fluorides, pit and fissure sealants and oral health education, plaque control technique, etc., is also discussed in this book. This clinical manual and record book represent criteria, methods, procedures and operational requirements needed for epidemiological surveys, school and community, oral health programs. It is designed as a teaching aid to be used by the dentist. It is also designed to be used as a reference manual by the dentist who is responsible for planning, organizing and conducting and participating in dental health programs.

ISBN: 978-93-5152-089-4

Published Date: 2015

Page Count: 322  , File Size: 9 Mb

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