Clinical Applications of Orthodontic Mini-implants

  • Tae-Woo Kim
  • Hyewon Kim
The simplest , easiest, and safest technique,Minimizing discomfort for the patient. With these aims kept in mind, the technique a n d materials introduced in this book were carefully chosen. The use of miniplate and techniques Which require referral to oral surgeon or periodontist are out of the scope of this book. For example, systems such as the Skeletal Anchorage System which requires plate in sertion by oral surgeons and periodontists have been excluded. The author’s aim is to introduce techniques which can be easily performed by the orthodontists themselves. Even the novice will easily adapt to mini-implant use if similar materials and case introduced in this book are used.

ISBN: 9788987037707

Published Date: 2008

Page Count: 405  , File Size: 61 Mb

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