Challenges & Management of Peri-Implant Pink Esthetics in Anterior Implant Therapy

Presented By:

Dr. Sherif Said


When considering implant therapy in the esthetic zone, replicating the natural soft tissue frame may present challenges for the treating clinician. A harmonious gingival form and architecture are not only fundamental for achieving adequate peri-implant pink esthetics, but also for simulating a natural emergence for the future restoration. When dealing with clinical situations in which adequate tissue architecture and volume are present, preserving or further enhancing the available support may provide an improved esthetic outcome with less associated morbidity and treatment duration. Nevertheless, reconstruction of atrophic sites due to lost hard and soft tissue volume is often inevitable in the anterior zone, which may necessitate more complex grafting procedures with varying degrees of predictability in achieving ideal peri-implant soft tissues. This presentation will highlight different clinical scenarios in which the lack of hard and soft tissue volume may pose difficulties in achieving ideal peri-implant esthetics, in addition to available clinical strategies on how to manage and minimize hard and soft tissue deficiencies when dealing with implant therapy in the esthetic zone.

Duration: 62 min

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