Bone Grafting in Implant Dentistry

Bone Grafting in Implant Dentistry

Once a tooth is extracted, the natural wound healing cascade is paired with irreversible alterations. Grafting techniques (hard and soft tissue) and prosthetic manipulations are required to attempt reestablishing the proper hard and soft tissue losses and proper emergence profile. Grafting materials (Creos Allograft) and surgical techniques (hard and soft tissue) compounded with biological modifiers are proposed to repair and counteract the amount of ridge deformation.


  • Discuss the decision-tree making of bone graft selection
  • Understand the mechanism of bone graft incorporation
  • Incorporate the usage of blood derived biological modifiers to enhance the clinical outcome of bone grafting
  • Be familiar with the techniques and case presentations

Presented By:

  • Dr. Alina Krivitsky

Duration: 85 min

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