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38 thoughts on “Get Premium Membership

  1. Hi
    I want to upgrade to premium plus and I want to get the discount of do I get that

  2. Hi
    I was travelling and I could not buy before 30th. Can u kindly give me premium plus membership at 99

  3. i cant strain my eyes to read soft copies long time….can i download book and do my needful if i get premium acc? and what are the advantages for premium plus over premium?

  4. Dear Sridhar,
    Yes you can download soft copy for all book (as PDF file) and read it later offline
    * Premium Plus members can access to all library contains including videos, courses , and journal archives


  5. What do you mean it is not working? first choose the membership you like (Select Premium) (Select Premium-Plus) then you can pay.


  6. I have been with you for a year. And I want to renew the subscription again. Is there a discount for your old customers?

  7. Dear Mohammad,
    There is a discount up to 30 Nov 2020 for all new members ( and renew).
    Please use this coupon code:

  8. I want only one book pdf what will be the price.
    Book Name – Essential Quick Review Pedodontics
    Author – Priya Verma Gupta

  9. Dear Vishal

    The book (Essential Quick Review Pedodontics) still not available in our library collection

  10. Hello Dr. Hossein,
    Yes you can download and save it on your Computer or Mobile.
    Also you can watch and download any videos if you get Premium-Plus Membership.

  11. Is this annual a membership fee of 70USD based on calendar year or a 12month subscription?
    I can upgrade any time during my membership? Say if I join now and in 6months time I decide to upgrade, will my Upgrade be for valid for the balance of months 6 months remaining only or a full 12months from the date of update? Thanks

  12. Dear Willie Mok
    The annual membership based on a 12 months starting from the date of subscription, and when you upgrade you will get new 12 months more starting from the date of upgrade.


  13. I paid 70$ on July 2, 2020 for one year fee but now why can’t i download any ebooks, today is June 15, 2021

  14. Dear Dr. Nguyen,

    There is no problem with your account. just logout clean your browser and login again.


  15. Dear team

    Thank you very much for the books , I had doubt about the website first , but I got all the book I need and more ,
    I will attend AFK exams in Canada , and I need many references to answer the released questions from NDEB , I cant afford to buy all these references , but in the price of half book I got all.

    Thank you very much
    Best regards

  16. Hello

    Thank you for your interest in our library, We send the details to your email.

  17. Please resume the link:
    Pediatric Dentistry for Special Child, 1st Edition

  18. Dear Sir,
    Kindly post some facial plastic surgery like Fillers, Botox, Microvascular head and neck surgery

  19. Dear,
    I have already pay for the course but now i can not login. I got the issue “email or username not exist”. Please give me advise. Thanks.

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