- John C. Ness
Knowledge of anatomy is the very foundation of excellence and is essential to developing the artistic perception and judgement needed to create natural restorations in any case. Gain full command of anterior anatomy and the 10 fundamentals you must know and fully understand to create and control the complex features of a natural smile. This book covers: The names and identification of internal and external features of anterior teeth. How to recognize the 10 distinct components of a natural smile. How size, shape and position determine esthetics. The secrets that take a dental lab technician from good to great.
• Dramatically improve your ability to communicate clearly with dentists, technicians, assistants and other dental professionals on the subject of esthetics.
• Learn the 10 essential components of natural smiles and understand how to use them to create customized smiles.
ISBN-10: 0979740207
ISBN-13: 978-0979740206
Published Date: 2007-2015
Page Count: 146 , File Size: 48 Mb
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