A Biological Approach to Implants: the Surgical & Prosthetic Keys to Success

A Biological Approach to Implants: the Surgical & Prosthetic Keys to Success

For years, implantology has focused on osseointegration. As speakers, trainers and education providers we need to take the focus to the next level. We have now entered the era of ‘Mucointegration’. Through this webinar we will try to explore developments in surface technology and surface chemistry and its impact on soft tissue and hard tissue integration.

Earlier this year Nobel Biocare launched Xeal and TiUltra – two new breakthrough surfaces derived from decades of applied anodisation expertise. From abutment to implant apex, surface chemistry and topography has been re-imagined to optimise tissue integration at every level.

Dr. Tidu will also address any clinical questions that the audience may want to ask and Henrik will be able to provide clarity on any product related and technical queries.

Presented By:

  • Dr Tidu Mankoo

Duration: 54 min

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