Orthodontic Applications of Osseointegrated Implants


Kenji W. Higuchi
Per-Ingvar Branemark


Endosseous implants now can be used to provide stable skeletal anchorage for the lateral movement of teeth. Moreover, through careful treatment planning, the implants used for orthodontic anchorage can provide support for prosthetic replacement of missing teeth during and after the course of orthodontic treatment. This book presents the clinical, biological, and biomechanical considerations of this relatively new treatment combination from a multidisciplinary perspective. It combines theoretical discussions of bone physiology, metabolism, and biomechanics with practical guidelines for treating the partially edentulous patient, the multidisciplinary patient, and the growing child. For each of these situations, readers will learn the indications for implant anchorage, methods of locating the appropriate implant position, timing of orthodontic loading, types of provisional restorations appropriate for attaching orthodontic brackets, and effects of orthodontic loading on the integrity of osseointegration and the final restoration. The use of subperiosteal bone anchors and the application of distraction osteogenesis in combination with osseointegrated implants are also described.

ISBN: 978-0867153569

Published Date: 2000

Page Count: 209  , File Size: 122 Mb

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