Risk Factors in Implant Dentistry: Simplified Clinical Analysis for Predictable Treatment


  • Frank Renouard
  • Bo Rangert


Treatment planning for implant therapy has changed dramatically in recent years as new protocols have evolved for techniques such as immediate loading and the use of short implants. This book offers a clear, practical methodology for defining and evaluating the impact of various risk factors on individual patients considering therapy. In addition, specific guidelines and checklists are included to give specialists and general practitioners alike increased confidence in discussing implant therapy with their patients. The risk factors and limitations associated with various presentations of edentulism are described in detail, and the safest treatment options are given for each, including surgical protocols and solutions to bone-related problem.

ISBN: 978-2-912550-56-9

Published Date: 2007

Page Count: 169  , File Size: 12 Mb

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