Complete Dental Bleaching


  • Ronald Goldstien
  • David Carber

A text on the use of bleaching in the practice of esthetic dentistry. A chapter on the chemistry of bleaching shows how and why tooth bleaching is so effective. The following chapters are devoted to diagnosis and treatment planning, in-office bleaching of vital teeth, nightguard vital bleaching, and bleaching pulpless teeth. The final chapter integrates all of the various esthetic dental modalities and demonstrates how bleaching can be an integral part of most interdisciplinary treatment plans. Profusely illustrated with color photographs.

…..Learn from the experts about the role of bleaching in restorative, orthodontic, periodontal, and esthetic dentistry; determine what role it might play in your practice. This book addresses patient selection, diagnosis, treatment planning, sequencing of treatment, and patient expectations. It relates the various bleaching methods in detail, including in-office, home, matrix, nonvital, and combination bleaching. Included is a section on the chemistry of bleaching and an index of techniques, materials, and products.

ISBN: 0-86715-290-7

Published Date: 1995

Page Count: 170  , File Size: 44 Mb

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