The Science and Art of Dental Ceramics, Volume 1: The Nature of Dental Ceramics and Their Clinical Use


John W. McLean


Understanding the most recently developed facts of dental science is of utmost importance to each practicing dentist. A good professional journal, therefore, is indispensable for continuing up-to-date study. “Quintessence International” provides everything the dentist desires: contemporary reports of new methods and devices, understandable descriptions of research results, criticism of low quality materials and outdated methods, tips for better practice administration, etc. Reports are prepared by distinguished clinicians and leading dental educators from around the world. Through the concentrated and precise form of its reports and its many illustrations (some of which are in color), “Quintessence International” has already won many friends in its short period of existence. Write to the publisher for details and sample copies.

ISBN: 0 931386 04 7

Published Date: 1979

Page Count: 495  , File Size: 10 Mb

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