Oral Physiology and Occlusion: An International Symposium

  • James H. Perryman

Oral Physiology and Occlusion: An International Symposium contains the proceeding of the “”Bite Centennial”” conceived as part of the 1976 Bicentennial Celebration of the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. The symposium aims to provide a broad based review of the “”state of science”” of oral physiology and occlusion. Organized into 13 chapters, this book first discusses the effects of lesions of jaw muscle spindle afferents on mastication and regulation of the incisal biting force in monkeys. Subsequent chapters describe the occlusal forces and mandibular movements; muscle spindles and tooth mechano-receptors in the control of mastication; relationship between integrated EMG and tension in opening of the mandible; and sensory regulation of brain stem motoneurons. Other chapters explain electrophysiological properties of nerve endings in teeth; measurement of the behavioral aspects of pain; mechanisms of oral-facial pain; hemodynamic considerations of oral-facial physiology.

e-Book ISBN: 9781483150666

Published Date: 1978

Page Count: 263  , File Size: 7 Mb

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