Placement of Narrow Diameter Two-Piece Implants with Simultaneous GBR

ITI Clinical Case Video
Presented By:

Dr. Daniel Buser


Surgical treatment of a 68-year-old female patient with a distal extension situation in the left mandible. As the CBCT analysis reveals, the bone crest anatomy in the area is not ideal and necessitates an augmentation procedure to achieve a good long-term prognosis for the planned implants and their prostheses. After the placement of three diameter-reduced two-piece implants the bone is augmented with autologous bone chips and DBBM particles to enlarge the crest volume. The surgery is completed with the application of two membrane layers and primary wound closure. For soft tissue management, the initial healing caps are replaced with a longer type 8 weeks after implant placement in a second intervention before prosthodontic treatment.

Duration: 18 min

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