Cuspid Volume 1 & 2: Clinically Useful Safety Procedures in Dentistry


  • John Laszlo


CUSPID – Clinically Useful Safety Procedures in Dentistry: Volume 1 and Volume 2.

This clinically oriented and illustrated textbook of over 1,600 pages published on the 1st August 2018 to coincide with the General Dental Council’s introduction of Enhanced CPD for all dental registrants; now provides every member of the dental team with the means to easily undertake and complete ECPD in line with the GDC’s requirements for outcome C: Developing and maintaining knowledge and skills in dental practise.

In the two volumes of CUSPID: Five safety critical subject areas are systematically presented:

CUSPID Volume 1:

Chapter 1: Medical Emergencies.
Chapter 2: Medicine and Drug Safety.

CUSPID Volume 2:

Chapter 3: Infection Control.
Chapter 4: Radiation Safety.
Chapter 5: Oral Cancer.

ISBN: 978-1-5434-8614-8
ISBN:  978-1-5434-8613-1
eISBN: 978-1-5434-8612-4

Published Date: 2018

Converted to PDF Copy   , File Size: 20 Mb

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2 thoughts on “Cuspid Volume 1 & 2: Clinically Useful Safety Procedures in Dentistry

  1. Hi. I tried to down load the book, but it said..Persuant to Pcloud terms of service, access to this file has been disabled…
    Could you kindly have a look the issue for me please?

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