Temporomandibular Disorders Manual Therapy, Exercise, and Needling


César Fernández-de-las-Peñas
Juan Mesa-Jiménez


An authoritative and comprehensive account of the assessment and conservative management of temporomandibular disorders. Recent emphasis has been on ‘evidence-based practice’ at the expense of the clinical reality which should also take account of clinician expertise and patient preference. A sound research base is not always available. This text addresses the clinical reality of having to make decisions using other sources of knowledge in the absence of a comprehensive scientific rationale. It advocates clinical and evidence-informed practice – an approach which acknowledges the value of clinician experience and expertise as well as research findings.

  • Compiled and edited by two highly regarded and experienced practitioners, researchers and authors who have already published many books and journal articles in the field.
  • With contributions from a mix of 28 internationally-based clinicians and clinician-researchers allowing the text to highlight both current best evidence and clinicians’ expertise and experience. Contributors include talented young clinicians as well as established experts in orthopaedic physiotherapy and world-level expert researchers.

ISBN: 978-1-909141-80-3

Published Date: 2018

Page Count: 731  , File Size: 25 Mb

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