Clinical Methods in Dental Office: History Recording, Examination, Investigations and Therapeutics


  • Santosh Patil
  • Sneha Maheshwari


This book is intended to provide insight into the realms of the clinical aspects of oral medicine and radiology to the student entering dental clinics for the first time. The undergraduates begin with their clinical training in the third year of the BDS curriculum, where they interact and evaluate patients for the very first time. This book is comprised of total 10 chapters which will help the students in understanding the patient’s orofacial complaints and the subsequent step-by-step examination of oral and paraoral structures. It will also serve as a ready-reckoner for private dental practitioners and postgraduate dental students. The book describes history taking for regular and special cases. It also prepares and sensitizes the students to the needs of patients with certain mental and physical disabilities, individuals with underlying systemic diseases and handling of medical emergencies in the dental clinics and offices. It also contains the commonly used medications for various oral conditions, which will help students and practitioners to use it as a ready reference while prescribing drugs to the patients. Also, a chapter on the various laboratory and radiographic investigations will help the students and practitioners in formulating an accurate diagnosis by the selection of the most appropriate investigations.

Target Audience

Dental undergraduates and postgraduates, professionals and practitioners to make informed clinical decisions on the optimal examination, diagnosis, management, and therapeutics of the patients.

ISBN: 978-93-86150-02-8

Published Date: 2017

Page Count: 268  , File Size: 3 Mb

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